Anna Michalcová is a member of the “Done. Pour the wine.” Language Experiments in Medieval Scribal Additions and Colophons grant project.
She works at the Department of Language Development at the Institute of the Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Her research focuses on diachronic linguistics, Old Czech, and the development of Old Czech biblical translation. In her dissertation, she examines the orthography and phonology of the so-called Cistercian Bible from 1456.
Additionally, she is interested in the application of modern technologies such as HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in linguistic research. In this area, she is deeply involved in the use of software solutions like Pero OCR and Transkribus, developing models for automatic text recognition in Old Czech manuscripts. She also contributes to the Electronic Dictionary of Old Czech.