Francesca Battista

Francesca Battista specializes in Gender Studies, with a special interest in medieval epistolography, theories of emotion and book history, approached from a comparative perspective.

She has completed two doctorates (University G. D’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara; Charles University, Prague) and was a Lise Meitner postdoctoral fellow (FWF) at the University of Vienna. She also served on the Early Career Committee of Parergon (Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies).

Her publications include “No Man is a Woman”: Studying Gender Constructions and Women’s Voices in Medieval Artes Dictandi and Model Letter Collections, MIÖG 127/2 (2019): 334-357.; “Queen Kunhuta’s Epistles to Her Husband,” in: Medieval Letters. Between Fiction and Document, 265-276, ed. Christian Høgel, and Elisabetta Bartoli, Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. DOI:; Jan Odstrčilík, Riccardo Burgazzi & Francesca Battista, Henry Totting of Oyta. Three Sermons of a Late Medieval Intellectual, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016. DOI: 10.3726/978-3-653-06138-3.

She is currently commissioned to draft chapters for Routledge and Palgrave, while pursuing her new research as a postdoctoral fellow on The End of Medieval Scribes Project (ERC CZ).